субота, 23. новембар 2013.

MOVABLE COLONIES: Transforming dying towns into art residencies is ZMUC - Zemun’s Small art center from Belgrade regional project in collaboration with Zeta Gallery from Tirana and NGO Za Druga from Petrovac. This year we aim to establish two regional art residencies, one in Serbia (village Babe) second in Montenegro (Reževići) with next year plans for the third one in Albania (Pentar).
The first part of the project, called The Silent Neighbors is to be realized in village Babe which gives a unique geographical, historical and infrastructural impact* for research, experimenting and making the conditions of specialized land-art residency. 
   *(45 km from Belgrade city center, 400 m altitude woodland, archeological site, a mine, a homeland of partisans, shelter for refugees, accommodation and exhibiting space in the local gallery for international artist)    
Project The Silent Neighbors is homage to homeless, the greatest losers of transitions, the people who became virtually silenced to invisibility.
Dear Sir/Madam we would like to invite you to participate in this unique 15 – day gathering which should result in a tree lingual catalogue, a movie documentary and a travelling exhibition to the perspective first residency participants’ country of living. Transfer to residency, accommodation, working materials and tools, technical assistance, food as well as an artist fee are provided with a support of European Cultural Foundation and The Ministry of Culture of Republic of Serbia.
MOVABLE COLONIES / Kolonitë  Lëvizëse: Transformimi qyteteve të braktisura në rezidencë artistike është një projekt rajonal i ZMUC - qendër e vogël arti e Zemunit, në Beograd, në bashkëpunim me Galerinë Zeta, nga Tirana dhe OJQ Za Druga nga Petrovac. Këtë vit, ne kemi për qëllim që të krijojme dy rezidenca arti rajonale, një në Serbi (fshati Babe) dhe e dyta në Mal të Zi (Reževići) dhe planin për vitin e ardhshëm për një të tretë, në Shqipëri (Pentar).
Pjesa e parë e projektit, e quajtur Fqinjët e Heshtur, është për t'u realizuar në fshatin Babe, i cili ka një impakt unik gjeografik, historik dhe infrastrukturor, I cili jep mundesi për hulumtime, eksperimentime dhe krijon kushte qëndrimi të specializuara në fushen e art - rezidencës.
(45 km larg nga qendra e qytetit të Beogradit, 400 m lartësi pyjore, zonë arkeologjike, një minierë, një atdhe i partizanëve, strehë për refugjatët, strehim dhe hapësirë ​​ekspozuese në galerinë lokale për artistë ndërkombëtar)

Projekti Fqinjët e Heshtur, është homazh për të pastrehët, humbësit më të mëdhenj të tranzicionit, njerëzit të cilët u bënë praktikisht të heshturit e të  padukshmes.
E dashur Z / Zonja, ne do të donim t’ ju ftonim,  për të marrë pjesë në këtë tubim unik, 15 – ditor, i cili do të rezultojë në një catalog në tre gjuhë, një film dokumentar dhe një ekspozitë shëtitëse ku perspektiva do të ishte me pjesmarrësit në rezidencën e parë në vendin ku jetojmë.
 Transferimi në rezidencë, akomodimi, materialet dhe mjetet e punës, asistencë teknike, ushqimi si dhe një tarifë ( fee) për artistin janë të realizuara me mbështetjen  Fondacionit Europian për Kulturën dhe Ministria e Kulturës e Republikës së Serbisë.

Pokretne kolonije: iz gradova duhova u umetničke rezidencije je regionalni projekat koji pokreće ZMUC iz Beograda u saradnji sa Zeta Galerijom iz Tirane i NVO Za Drugom iz Petrovca. Ove godine projekat ima za cilj stvaranje dva  regionalna rezidencijalna umetnička centra u Srbiji (selo Babe) i Crnoj Gori(Reževići) a sledeće godine u Albaniji(Pentar).
Realizacija prvog dela, Tihe komšije, predviđena je u selu Babe koje  svojim položajem (45km od Beograda, šumovit kraj na 400m NV), istorijom (rimski letnjikovac, rudnik, partizanski kraj, utočište za izbeglice) i infrastukturom (obezbeđen smeštaj i galerija Centra za kulturu Sopot)   pruža jedinstvene mogućnosti za istraživanje,  eksperiment i stvaranje uslova za stalni rezidencijalni centar koji bi bio specijalizovan za land-art.
Projekat Tihe komšije hommage je beskućnicima, najvećim gubitnicima tranzicije, ljudima koji su u ovim vremenima postali nečujni do nevidljivosti.
Pozivamo vas da učestvujete u ovom jedinstvenom 15-dnevnom okupljanju koje treba da rezultuje trojezičnim katalogom, dokumentarnim filmom i  putujućom izložbom u državama odakle su učesnici prve rezidencije. Prevoz do rezidencije, smeštaj, materijal za rad, alat, tehnička pomoć, ishrana kao i honorar obezbeđeni su za svakog učesnika zahvaljujući pomoći European Cultural Foundation i Ministarstvu kulture republike Srbije.

среда, 10. април 2013.

Zemunski Mali Umetnicki Centar - ZMUC Zemun’s Art Center a short biography
ZMUC is local art center from Zemun (Serbia), an organization and contemporary art studio for experimenting in sustainable art practice. We believe that culture is a common good and it needs to engage both social margin and the elite. Our  mission is to improve cultural scene by art actions making the community aware of the importance of art. With notion that all great ideas come from the margins we managed to establish a collaborative network with similar organizations worldwide.
Since established in 2006 ZMUC engaged 117 artists in making 34 exhibitions,17 concerts, 3 art auction sales, numerous events and happenings and 5 ongoing workshops with social minorities, elderly citizens, Belgrade Roma street children and local children with difficulties.
Karavukovo0001  and 002, held in the village of Karavukovo of Serbian province of Vojvodina, was the first-ever multimedia regional residency program in Serbia: http://www.blogger.com/profile/07633534391199364382 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qa7DA-BGxPo) In 2012 ZMUC organized the residence for three Serbian artist at the international project “Same rain, same wind” in Ciang Mai, Thailand. (http://www.seecult.org/vest/od-balkana-do-tajlanda) 
In September – October 2012 a study visit to Macedonia, Albania and Montenegro was undertaken by ZMUC to seek program partners and visit future program sites for the project Movable Art Colonies : Transforming  Dying Towns  – Into Art Residencies.

List of sponsored projects in the last three years:

2013 Chubby Bicyclists for Zemun pebble – a project aiming to establish free car zones in Zemun municipality
2012 We learn skills 1 and 2 creative workshops for disabled children and teacher training in poterry making and silkscreen printing     
2012 Presentation of Karavukovo project and Movable art colonies, Macedonia, Albania, Montenegro research and study visit
2012 Floating Sculptures, Danube art route, Serbia networking of artist led initiatives on Danube banks
2012 Same rain same wind, Thailand, Participation of 3 Serbian artists in the project The Same Rain, The Same Wind« an artist-led initiative that offers a significant alternative art-space for artists across the world to nurture creative and imaginative art practice, based on artistic exchange, discourse, and debate. The project works at the nexus of arts, culture, human rights, environment, and strives to encourage broad-based critical reflection and catalyse social action.
2011 ZMUC Na Koperground-u, Slovenia - during Koperground festival artist Goran Denic made a gallery out of discarded woden windows, to be part of Shock Alliance Gallery network
2011 Useles and Senseless Skills Summer Festival – LEFEB, Serbia - all welcome to show their uselesness. Forbiden to politicians for their absolute senseless existance.
2011 Exhibition Karavukovo, postproduction, in Slovenia and Croatia
2011 Karavukovo 002, The second multimedia art colony in Serbia, with 12 participants from Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia which resulted in reuse of gallery church from a previous year and 5 exhibitions in, Belgrade, Novi Sad( Serbia) Groznjan(Croatia), Koper(Slovenia). Audience 2500. 37’ Vasko in “Karavukovo”documentary on the process.
2011 Street children in ZMUC workshop, Serbia 15 Roma children, 3 hours/3 days a week during 4 months- project aiming to develope skills in sheetmetal and woodwork and how to recognize art. A colaborative project with Center for the integration of the youth, Belgrade and Svratiste, Belgrade.
2010 Karavukovo 0001, multimedia regional art colony, Serbia The first multimedia art colony in Serbia, with 11 participants from Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia which resulted in turning devastated church into gallery and 3 exhibitions in Zemun, Belgrade and Novi Sad. Audience 1500. 36’ documentary “Colony”on the process.

The projects that have not been listed are everyday activities in art production, collaboration with other artists, exhibitions, concerts and art tuition.

петак, 5. април 2013.

Prvo nestane uzbuđenje pa to opravdavaš odrastanjem. Potrebu za stvaranjem zameni potreba za preživljavanjem hraneći sopstvenu malodušnost.     

среда, 3. април 2013.

There is nothing worse but to hurt someone by enabling that person to be hurt by him or herself.   

субота, 30. март 2013.


Da li je moguće boriti se, a u isto vreme ne biti ljigav/a, demagog, agresivna/n aktivistkinja/a, ne koristiti jezik političke korektnosti, biti skroman u zahtevima i pristojan u komunikaciji a uspešno doći do postavljenog cilja?

четвртак, 28. март 2013.

ZMUC produces art, organizes exhibitions, lectures and workshops in multimedia arts and culture. With organizations and individuals that share similar agenda, ZMUC is engaged in conferences, meetings and other means of sharing, networking and disseminating experiences in the field. At the regional and international level we cooperate with organizations from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and Montenegro on making conditions for cultural actions within the neglected and far-out communities. We wish to broaden the level of our mutual communication by improving the position of contemporary artists from the imminent neighborhood. We also wish to expand our activities in providing marginalized society groups  with various cultural and artistic contents.
Since established in 2006 ZMUC engaged 117 artists in making 34 exhibitions,17 concerts, 3 art auction sales, numerous events and happenings and 5 ongoing workshops with social minorities, elderly citizens, Belgrade Roma street children and local children with difficulties.