ZMUC produces art,
organizes exhibitions, lectures and workshops in multimedia arts and culture.
With organizations and individuals that share similar agenda, ZMUC is engaged
in conferences, meetings and other means of sharing, networking and disseminating
experiences in the field. At the regional and international level we cooperate
with organizations from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania and
Montenegro on making conditions for cultural actions within the neglected and
far-out communities. We wish to broaden the level of our mutual communication
by improving the position of contemporary artists from the imminent
neighborhood. We also wish to expand our activities in providing marginalized
society groups with various cultural and
artistic contents.
Since established
in 2006 ZMUC engaged 117 artists in making 34 exhibitions,17 concerts, 3 art
auction sales, numerous events and happenings and 5 ongoing workshops with
social minorities, elderly citizens, Belgrade Roma street children
and local children with difficulties.
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